Base reinforcementIn base reinforceme
nt applications geosynthetics (geotextile) are used as tensile element at the bottom of a (sub)base or within a base course. This improves the service life of a road and/or an equivalent performance is obtained with a reduced base course thickness. Typical base reinforcement applications are roads and parking areas and stock yards.
Subgrade stabilisation
Geosynthetics (geotextile) allow construction over weak subgrades by uniformly distributing the load, improving bearing capacity, and providing reinforcement to weak or low strength subgrades. The use of TenCate geosynthetics as reinforcement, separation and filtration layer offers a simple, quick and cost effective alternative for this "classic" application of geotextiles.
Each drainage body must be protected from the penetration of fine soil particles which would otherwise block or clog the system, resulting in a diminishing of the drainage function. Under optimum conditions, this is guaranteed with the filtration geotextiles of TenCate. High water permeability and optimum filtration opening size are the decisive parameters for this application.
Retaining structuresTransportation structures often require retaining walls or steep slopes to save expensive space, to minimize land acquisition or to provide a noise barrier. TenCate geosynthetics are used as integral components in reinforced soil structures such as retaining walls and slopes. TenCate Geosynthetics provide tensile resistance to the soil, enhancing its shear strength characteristics. This enables walls, slopes and embankments to be constructed cost-effectively and quickly. For more details on reinforced earth structures, please see the Retaining Structures section.
NATM tunnels
The main goal of geotextiles used in conventional tunnel construction (e.g. acc. NATM) is the protection of the sealing membrane. Furthermore, the drainage function and the long-term resistance to alkaline media have to be considered. TenCate products fulfil all high technical requirements of modern tunnel construction.
Cut-and-cover tunnels, Galleries
Cut-and-cover tunnels require special multi-layer lining systems which have to fulfil various requirements. A permanent protection of the sealing membrane is provided by high-quality nonwoven geotextiles. Very often, drainage geocomposites are used which can be easily installed, providing an effective drainage of seepage water even under high surcharge loads.
Subgrade stabilisationTenCate geosynthetics allow construction over weak subgrades by uniformly distributing the load, improving bearing capacity, and providing reinforcement to weak or low strength subgrades. The use of TenCate geosynthetics as reinforcement, separation and filtration layer offers a simple, quick and cost effective alternative for this "classic" application of geotextiles.
Retaining structuresTransportation structures often require retaining walls or steep slopes to save expensive space, to minimize land acquisition or to provide a noise barrier. TenCate geosynthetics are used as integral components in reinforced soil structures such as retaining walls and slopes. TenCate Geosynthetics provide tensile resistance to the soil, enhancing its shear strength characteristics. This enables walls, slopes and embankments to be constructed cost-effectively and quickly. For more details on reinforced earth structures, please see the Retaining Structures section.
Erosion protection
In order to guarantee a quick and lasting vegetation, slopes have to be protected from surface erosion. Erosion-control mats from TenCate not only protect slopes effectively from erosion, but also support the vegetation during the growing phase by storing water and providing protection against attacks by wind and precipitation.
Retaining walls
The installation of high-strength TenCate geosynthetics in layers considerably increases the stability of earth structures and controls the deformation. Geosynthetic reinforced retaining walls allow a variety of facing options including treated timbers, segmental concrete blocks, wrap-around and vegetated facings, gabions, pre-fabricated concrete elements, wire baskets and natural stone to provide superior aesthetics versus conventional cast-in-place concrete walls.
In case of critical deformation restrictions or in applications where survey is required, TenCate Polyfelt Geodetect can be installed in order to monitor the reinforced structure. Geodetect measures and follows the strain in soil and enables transmission of a warning signal as soon as its elongation reaches a preset limit.
Vegetated steep slopes
The installation of high-strength TenCate geosynthetics in layers considerably increases the stability of earth structures and controls the deformation. The inclusion of TenCate geosynthetics enable the use of locally available, often poor quality soil. To combine both engineering and landscaping aspects TenCate offers systems for vegetated steep slopes.
In case of critical deformation restrictions or in applications where survey is required, TenCate Polyfelt Geodetect can be installed in order to monitor the reinforced structure. Geodetect measures and follows the strain in soil and enables transmission of a warning signal as soon as its elongation reaches a preset limit.
Landfill covers
In landfill cover systems, the synthetic geomembrane must be protected from mechanical damage, which can be easily provided by TenCate Polyfelt P. Along slopes, additional requirements must be considered: TenCate Polyfelt Rock reinforcement geosynthetics are used to avoid a transfer of tensile forces into the membrane. Seepage and precipitation water is drained off by drainage geocomposites. Finally, erosion-protection mats guarantee a quick and effective vegetation on the slope surface.
Base lining systems
In landfill base lining systems, the synthetic geomembrane must be protected from mechanical damage, which can be provided by TenCate Polyfelt P. Furthermore, the penetration of fines into the drainage layer resulting in its clogging must be prevented. TenCate Polyfelt TS filter geotextiles fulfil this function permanently.Along slopes, additional requirements must be considered: TenCate Polyfelt Rock reinforcement geosynthetics are used to avoid a transfer of tensile forces into the membrane. Seepage water can be drained off to avoid any pressure underneath the membrane by using drainage geocomposites.
Flood protection dikes
Geosynthetics guarantee the stability of flood protection dikes, due to their special drainage and filtration properties. Geotextile wrapped drainage cores or special filtration mats under rip-rap prevent erosion and a consequent dike fracture. Geotextile reinforced earth structures allow the use of low-quality on-site fill material, thereby providing a reliable and cost effective construction method. TenCate erosion-protection mats prevent surface erosion and thereby contribute to a high slope stability.
Coastal and river bank protection
Geotextiles are used as filter blankets underneath revetments. Their purpose is to prevent erosion caused by the energy of waves and currents and to allow free two-way flow between the water body and the ground without the build up of hydraulic pressure. Geotextiles replace partly, or completely, expensive mineral filter layers. Geosynthetics from TenCate provide both, optimized filtration behaviour for fine or coarse grained soils and high resistance to damage. Geotube® containers are geotextile encapsulated soils that may be used to replacerock as conventional building blocks in marine and hydraulic engineering structures
Canals and reservoirs
In canal and reservoir construction, lining systems using geosynthetics are widely used. The effective long-term protection of synthetic geomembranes can be guaranteed by using the high-quality production geotextile TenCate Polyfelt P. Additionally, drainage geocomposites are often used to drain off seeping ground water and percolating surface water underneath the sealing membrane.
Pipe foundation and mechanical protection
In order to guarantee that a sub-surface pipeline permanently fulfils its function, it must be protected from damage and from settlements of low-bearing-capacity subgrades. Optimum solution in this respect can be provided by TenCate reinforcement products to minimize settlements and TenCate nonwovens for protection purposes.
Buoyancy protection
In order to guarantee that a pipeline remains stable under buoyancy, it must be secured against such forces and against damage during installation. Optimum solution in this respect can be provided by TenCate Polyfelt Rock to take up tensile forces, combined with TenCate Polyfelt nonwovens to protect the pipeline from damage.
Installation under water
In order to guarantee that a pipeline remains stable under buoyancy and under settlements of the subgrade, it must be secured against any harmful forces occurring in the subgrade. Optimum solution in this respect can be provided by TenCate Polyfelt Rock to stabilise
Pillow foundation
The settlement of pipeline foundations should be limited to a minimum. TenCate reinforcement products are successfully used for pillow foundations over low-bearing-capacity subgrades.
Foundation over cavities
In order to minimise the potential of sudden settlements which would be a danger for the public traffic, preventive measures using high-strength TenCate geosynthetics are recommended. In the case of a sudden damage of the subsurface, the geosynthetic acts as a membrane keeping the road or railway structure intact until further repair measures can be undertaken.
In case of critical deformation restrictions or in applications where survey is required, TenCate Polyfelt Geodetect can be installed in order to monitor the reinforced structure. Geodetect measures and follows the strain in soil and enables transmission of a warning signal as soon as its elongation reaches a preset limit.
Pile foundation
In order to guarantee the stability of embankments over weak subgrade, piles are very often used. Geosynthetic reinforced base courses transfer the loads from the embankment to the piles, helping to reduce the required number of piles, thus reducing costs.
In case of critical deformation restrictions or in applications where survey is required, TenCate Polyfelt Geodetect can be installed in order to monitor the reinforced structure. Geodetect measures and follows the strain in soil and enables transmission of a warning signal as soon as its elongation reaches a preset limit.
Embankments on weak subgrade
TenCate geosynthetics are placed at the base of embankments to provide short and long term stability and limit differential settlement. The geosynthetic is placed directly on the soft foundation, prior to the placement of the embankment fill.TenCate Geosynthetics facilitate the construction of a working platform and allow construction of higher embankments and steeper embankment side slopes.
Building drainage
Phreatic and seepage water can cause damage to building structures. Such water can easily and effectively be removed by drainage systems. These systems usually consist of drainage pipes, surrounded by drainage gravel and filter geotextiles. This filter protects the gravel from the penetration of fine soil particles which would otherwise block or clog the system. Alternatively, easy to install drainage mats can be used, replacing the drainage gravel.
Flat roofs
In the case of flat roof gardens, it must be assured that the top soil does not penetrate in to the drainage system, reducing its drainage function. This requirement is guaranteed by using TenCate Polyfelt TS filter geotextiles. Alternatively precipitation water can be drained off by TenCate drainage geocomposites, replacing the drainage gravel. This reduces the weight on the roof and the required construction height.
Parking decks
Generally, maintenance intervals in building structures should be as long as possible. In parking decks, an effective drainage by means of compression resistant drainage mats can considerably contribute to this goal by draining off any water seeping into the structure.
When buildings are constructed on subgrade with low bearing capacity, special measures are necessary to guarantee an adequate stability. A simple and cost effective alternative to soil replacement and soil improvement methods is the installation of Geosynthetics to separate, filter and reinforce the soft subgrade.
Basement drainage
Phreatic and seepage water can cause damage to building structures. Such water can easily and effectively be removed by drainage systems. They usually consist of drainage pipes, surrounded by drainage gravel and filter geotextiles. This filter protects the gravel from the penetration of fine soil particles which would otherwise block or clog the system.
Swimming pools, Paddling ponds, Sand pits
Due to the mechanical properties of geotextiles, expensive material such as swimming pool or paddling pond membranes are protected from damage by sharp-edged stones or roots. Furthermore, TS prevents the mixing of different materials, such as sand and soil in a children's sand pit.
Ponds, Biotopes
Due to the mechanical properties of geotextiles, expensive material such as membranes of ponds or biotopes are protected from damage by sharp-edged stones or roots. The sealing function is therefore guaranteed permanently.
Patios, Garage drives, Pathways
Sand and base course under terraces and garden pathways remain clean and permanently separated. Slabs remain even and do not wobble. Frost damage and subsurface erosion are prevented, the function is guaranteed over a long period of time.
Road maintenance
Sooner or later, all roads require cost consuming maintenance. In order to extend the maintenance intervals, paving fabrics are successfully used. They level stresses within the upper structure, and reduce frost damage within the base course. TenCate Polyfelt PGM can be used both in the maintenance of old roads as well as in the construction of new roads.
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Subgrade stabilisation
Geosynthetics (geotextile) allow construction over weak subgrades by uniformly distributing the load, improving bearing capacity, and providing reinforcement to weak or low strength subgrades. The use of TenCate geosynthetics as reinforcement, separation and filtration layer offers a simple, quick and cost effective alternative for this "classic" application of geotextiles.
Each drainage body must be protected from the penetration of fine soil particles which would otherwise block or clog the system, resulting in a diminishing of the drainage function. Under optimum conditions, this is guaranteed with the filtration geotextiles of TenCate. High water permeability and optimum filtration opening size are the decisive parameters for this application.
Retaining structuresTransportation structures often require retaining walls or steep slopes to save expensive space, to minimize land acquisition or to provide a noise barrier. TenCate geosynthetics are used as integral components in reinforced soil structures such as retaining walls and slopes. TenCate Geosynthetics provide tensile resistance to the soil, enhancing its shear strength characteristics. This enables walls, slopes and embankments to be constructed cost-effectively and quickly. For more details on reinforced earth structures, please see the Retaining Structures section.
NATM tunnels
The main goal of geotextiles used in conventional tunnel construction (e.g. acc. NATM) is the protection of the sealing membrane. Furthermore, the drainage function and the long-term resistance to alkaline media have to be considered. TenCate products fulfil all high technical requirements of modern tunnel construction.
Cut-and-cover tunnels, Galleries
Cut-and-cover tunnels require special multi-layer lining systems which have to fulfil various requirements. A permanent protection of the sealing membrane is provided by high-quality nonwoven geotextiles. Very often, drainage geocomposites are used which can be easily installed, providing an effective drainage of seepage water even under high surcharge loads.
Subgrade stabilisationTenCate geosynthetics allow construction over weak subgrades by uniformly distributing the load, improving bearing capacity, and providing reinforcement to weak or low strength subgrades. The use of TenCate geosynthetics as reinforcement, separation and filtration layer offers a simple, quick and cost effective alternative for this "classic" application of geotextiles.
Retaining structuresTransportation structures often require retaining walls or steep slopes to save expensive space, to minimize land acquisition or to provide a noise barrier. TenCate geosynthetics are used as integral components in reinforced soil structures such as retaining walls and slopes. TenCate Geosynthetics provide tensile resistance to the soil, enhancing its shear strength characteristics. This enables walls, slopes and embankments to be constructed cost-effectively and quickly. For more details on reinforced earth structures, please see the Retaining Structures section.
Erosion protection
In order to guarantee a quick and lasting vegetation, slopes have to be protected from surface erosion. Erosion-control mats from TenCate not only protect slopes effectively from erosion, but also support the vegetation during the growing phase by storing water and providing protection against attacks by wind and precipitation.
Retaining walls
The installation of high-strength TenCate geosynthetics in layers considerably increases the stability of earth structures and controls the deformation. Geosynthetic reinforced retaining walls allow a variety of facing options including treated timbers, segmental concrete blocks, wrap-around and vegetated facings, gabions, pre-fabricated concrete elements, wire baskets and natural stone to provide superior aesthetics versus conventional cast-in-place concrete walls.
In case of critical deformation restrictions or in applications where survey is required, TenCate Polyfelt Geodetect can be installed in order to monitor the reinforced structure. Geodetect measures and follows the strain in soil and enables transmission of a warning signal as soon as its elongation reaches a preset limit.
Vegetated steep slopes
The installation of high-strength TenCate geosynthetics in layers considerably increases the stability of earth structures and controls the deformation. The inclusion of TenCate geosynthetics enable the use of locally available, often poor quality soil. To combine both engineering and landscaping aspects TenCate offers systems for vegetated steep slopes.
In case of critical deformation restrictions or in applications where survey is required, TenCate Polyfelt Geodetect can be installed in order to monitor the reinforced structure. Geodetect measures and follows the strain in soil and enables transmission of a warning signal as soon as its elongation reaches a preset limit.
Landfill covers
In landfill cover systems, the synthetic geomembrane must be protected from mechanical damage, which can be easily provided by TenCate Polyfelt P. Along slopes, additional requirements must be considered: TenCate Polyfelt Rock reinforcement geosynthetics are used to avoid a transfer of tensile forces into the membrane. Seepage and precipitation water is drained off by drainage geocomposites. Finally, erosion-protection mats guarantee a quick and effective vegetation on the slope surface.
Base lining systems
In landfill base lining systems, the synthetic geomembrane must be protected from mechanical damage, which can be provided by TenCate Polyfelt P. Furthermore, the penetration of fines into the drainage layer resulting in its clogging must be prevented. TenCate Polyfelt TS filter geotextiles fulfil this function permanently.Along slopes, additional requirements must be considered: TenCate Polyfelt Rock reinforcement geosynthetics are used to avoid a transfer of tensile forces into the membrane. Seepage water can be drained off to avoid any pressure underneath the membrane by using drainage geocomposites.
Flood protection dikes
Geosynthetics guarantee the stability of flood protection dikes, due to their special drainage and filtration properties. Geotextile wrapped drainage cores or special filtration mats under rip-rap prevent erosion and a consequent dike fracture. Geotextile reinforced earth structures allow the use of low-quality on-site fill material, thereby providing a reliable and cost effective construction method. TenCate erosion-protection mats prevent surface erosion and thereby contribute to a high slope stability.
Coastal and river bank protection
Geotextiles are used as filter blankets underneath revetments. Their purpose is to prevent erosion caused by the energy of waves and currents and to allow free two-way flow between the water body and the ground without the build up of hydraulic pressure. Geotextiles replace partly, or completely, expensive mineral filter layers. Geosynthetics from TenCate provide both, optimized filtration behaviour for fine or coarse grained soils and high resistance to damage. Geotube® containers are geotextile encapsulated soils that may be used to replacerock as conventional building blocks in marine and hydraulic engineering structures
Canals and reservoirs
In canal and reservoir construction, lining systems using geosynthetics are widely used. The effective long-term protection of synthetic geomembranes can be guaranteed by using the high-quality production geotextile TenCate Polyfelt P. Additionally, drainage geocomposites are often used to drain off seeping ground water and percolating surface water underneath the sealing membrane.
Pipe foundation and mechanical protection
In order to guarantee that a sub-surface pipeline permanently fulfils its function, it must be protected from damage and from settlements of low-bearing-capacity subgrades. Optimum solution in this respect can be provided by TenCate reinforcement products to minimize settlements and TenCate nonwovens for protection purposes.
Buoyancy protection
In order to guarantee that a pipeline remains stable under buoyancy, it must be secured against such forces and against damage during installation. Optimum solution in this respect can be provided by TenCate Polyfelt Rock to take up tensile forces, combined with TenCate Polyfelt nonwovens to protect the pipeline from damage.
Installation under water
In order to guarantee that a pipeline remains stable under buoyancy and under settlements of the subgrade, it must be secured against any harmful forces occurring in the subgrade. Optimum solution in this respect can be provided by TenCate Polyfelt Rock to stabilise
Pillow foundation
The settlement of pipeline foundations should be limited to a minimum. TenCate reinforcement products are successfully used for pillow foundations over low-bearing-capacity subgrades.
Foundation over cavities
In order to minimise the potential of sudden settlements which would be a danger for the public traffic, preventive measures using high-strength TenCate geosynthetics are recommended. In the case of a sudden damage of the subsurface, the geosynthetic acts as a membrane keeping the road or railway structure intact until further repair measures can be undertaken.
In case of critical deformation restrictions or in applications where survey is required, TenCate Polyfelt Geodetect can be installed in order to monitor the reinforced structure. Geodetect measures and follows the strain in soil and enables transmission of a warning signal as soon as its elongation reaches a preset limit.
Pile foundation
In order to guarantee the stability of embankments over weak subgrade, piles are very often used. Geosynthetic reinforced base courses transfer the loads from the embankment to the piles, helping to reduce the required number of piles, thus reducing costs.
In case of critical deformation restrictions or in applications where survey is required, TenCate Polyfelt Geodetect can be installed in order to monitor the reinforced structure. Geodetect measures and follows the strain in soil and enables transmission of a warning signal as soon as its elongation reaches a preset limit.
Embankments on weak subgrade
TenCate geosynthetics are placed at the base of embankments to provide short and long term stability and limit differential settlement. The geosynthetic is placed directly on the soft foundation, prior to the placement of the embankment fill.TenCate Geosynthetics facilitate the construction of a working platform and allow construction of higher embankments and steeper embankment side slopes.
Building drainage
Phreatic and seepage water can cause damage to building structures. Such water can easily and effectively be removed by drainage systems. These systems usually consist of drainage pipes, surrounded by drainage gravel and filter geotextiles. This filter protects the gravel from the penetration of fine soil particles which would otherwise block or clog the system. Alternatively, easy to install drainage mats can be used, replacing the drainage gravel.
Flat roofs
In the case of flat roof gardens, it must be assured that the top soil does not penetrate in to the drainage system, reducing its drainage function. This requirement is guaranteed by using TenCate Polyfelt TS filter geotextiles. Alternatively precipitation water can be drained off by TenCate drainage geocomposites, replacing the drainage gravel. This reduces the weight on the roof and the required construction height.
Parking decks
Generally, maintenance intervals in building structures should be as long as possible. In parking decks, an effective drainage by means of compression resistant drainage mats can considerably contribute to this goal by draining off any water seeping into the structure.
When buildings are constructed on subgrade with low bearing capacity, special measures are necessary to guarantee an adequate stability. A simple and cost effective alternative to soil replacement and soil improvement methods is the installation of Geosynthetics to separate, filter and reinforce the soft subgrade.
Basement drainage
Phreatic and seepage water can cause damage to building structures. Such water can easily and effectively be removed by drainage systems. They usually consist of drainage pipes, surrounded by drainage gravel and filter geotextiles. This filter protects the gravel from the penetration of fine soil particles which would otherwise block or clog the system.
Swimming pools, Paddling ponds, Sand pits
Due to the mechanical properties of geotextiles, expensive material such as swimming pool or paddling pond membranes are protected from damage by sharp-edged stones or roots. Furthermore, TS prevents the mixing of different materials, such as sand and soil in a children's sand pit.
Ponds, Biotopes
Due to the mechanical properties of geotextiles, expensive material such as membranes of ponds or biotopes are protected from damage by sharp-edged stones or roots. The sealing function is therefore guaranteed permanently.
Patios, Garage drives, Pathways
Sand and base course under terraces and garden pathways remain clean and permanently separated. Slabs remain even and do not wobble. Frost damage and subsurface erosion are prevented, the function is guaranteed over a long period of time.
Road maintenance
Sooner or later, all roads require cost consuming maintenance. In order to extend the maintenance intervals, paving fabrics are successfully used. They level stresses within the upper structure, and reduce frost damage within the base course. TenCate Polyfelt PGM can be used both in the maintenance of old roads as well as in the construction of new roads.
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The main use of LDPE, LLDPE na HDPE geomambrane lining are Separation, Containment and Protection. Definitely helpful concept for me . Will you publish some a lot more ? coz i desire to follow ur twitter or facebook,
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